Housekeeper Vacancies
Our European client is currently seeking two permanent, live-in housekeepers to work at his large rural estate in the Var. The property is currently under full renovation and when completed in early summer there will also be newly renovated residential staff accommodation. The two housekeepers must be professional and experienced, able to work in a calm, efficient and discreet manner when the owner and his guests are in residence. This is a rural estate therefore candidates must feel comfortable living in the countryside and should have, or plan to have, their own transport allowing them to have a social life etc outside of their working hours.
Duties will include:
5* Housekeeping
Laundry & Ironing - House/Guest/Staff Uniforms
Table setting, clearing etc
Informal table/guest service
At least 3 years previous 5* housekeeping experience
Excellent letters of reference from previous employers
Speak good English
A willing and flexible approach
Work well in a small team
Able to work in a rural environment
Able to work quietly and with discretion
This employer is generally in residence several months of the spring and summer and early Autumn during which time the household staff will be expected to provide a streamlined service and maintain the property in a meticulous condition.
Salary: €2.2k net pm with accommodation
Start date: June 1st (TBC)
Our American client is currently seeking a professional and highly experienced villa stewardess to assist his resident team with the summer season guests and visiting family. This property is extremely busy during some of the high season months. Working 40hrs/6 days per week with any overtime worked given as ‘time off in lieu’ during the quieter weeks.
The housekeeping and table service duties are split approximately 60% housekeeping/40% table and guest service therefore candidates must have extensive experience working in both types of roles.
Duties will include:
Laundry & Ironing
Table Service
Excellent previous professional housekeeping and service experience
Excellent references
A good level of spoken English
A warm flexible approach
Works well in a team
Accommodation is offered with this role if required. Exact start date is yet to be decided but it will be early June finishing mid-September.
Salary: €3k net per month
Start date: Early June
Housekeeper ~ Ramatuelle ~ ASAP
An experienced and locally-based housekeeper is urgently required to join a small team of long term staff caring for a luxury vacation property in the St Tropez area. The European family are based in Monaco and like to use their vacation prioperty both in and out of high season, visiting for long weekends/school holidays etc outside of the high season months. Working 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday with flexibility to work weekends when Principal is in residence for occasional weekends out of season.
Duties will include:
5* Housekeeping
Laundry and ironing
Informal service occasionally
Already living in the St Tropez region
A minimum of 3 years high level experience in a similar role
Professional and flexible
A positive, upbeat approach
Works well in a team
Spoken English and some French preferable
Own transport essential
EU passport or French carte de sejour
Salary: €3k net pm
Housekeeper/Villa Stewardess ~ Cannes/Mougins ON TRIAL
An experienced housekeeper is required to join a in interior team of 3 other staff working in a luxury property located between Mougins and Cannes. For cultural reasons only female applicants can be considered.
When owners not in residence working hours will be 9am-5pm - 5 days per week which includes a 1 hour meal break. When owners are in residence the housekeepers will be on an early shift/late shift rotation changing each week. The European employers are in residence for all of July and August each year and for an additional 3 months at different times throughout the year - excluding the period from November to March when they winter in the Alps and the Caribbean.
This role is predominantly hands-on cleaning/housekeeping - service skills only required for the periods when employers are in residence.
Duties will include:
5* Housekeeping
Table settings/flowers etc
Informal table service
Assist with laundry on laundress’ day off
Excellent previous experience in a similar role
Good knowledge of informal table service
Ability to arrange flowers for table/house when required
Works well with others
Able to work on rota of early shift/late shift when employers in residence
Able at short notice to work paid overtime hours when required
Fluent English, some spoken French an advantage but not essential
Own transport as no close public transport routes available
An EU passport or French carte de sejour
Live within easy travelling distance of Cannes/Mougins
Salary: €3k net pr month ( CDI)
Start date: TBD​​​​
Please Note:
Applicants for positions based in France MUST have a current working visa/carte de sejour or be the holder of an EU passport